Friday, January 29, 2010


Since my trip ended some 6 months ago, I have been following and in contact by email with the Scottish family of 3 riding on bicycles from Inuvik NWT to Terra del Fuego in South America.
Their trip has been a challenge so far, but then merely surviving with smiles after 8 months on the road on bicycles pulling the gear needed, on a limited budget will be termed a success thus far by me.
The family of Sean, Ingrid and little Kate spent Christmas in northern Mexico and are currently in Mid Mexico along the Pacific coast.
8 year old Kate is keeping a diary, where in the latest email she outlines the trip up to Christmas.
There is also a Newspaper article written about them and the trip while in the Moab Desert. I was referred to in the article as a 'kind stranger', which I felt was wonderful considering months of them meeting people along on the road, my impression still stayed after several months. I also know in communication with them they still remember me, even if our meeting was only twice, and a total of 10 - 15 minutes of chat.
Go to Story

I hope they meet up with my friends Janet and Bob who are wintering in Costa Rica until May 2010. I believe they will find rest, shelter other than a tent and a warm welcome there.