I woke early refreshed, watched some TV while I packed and got on the road about 8 am. The wind was present, but not strong at first. I found more secondary roads to ride avoiding the Interstate and gassed up at the next little town, where I chatted with several locals and farmers a bit about my trip and also places in Alberta they had visited.
I found Old hwy 16, that I will follow to Sioux Falls about 3 hours away. I made decent time, the pavement was fine and the road empty. I stopped a few times in small towns on this route and bought an orange juice and chatted with a group of Harley riders heading to Sturgis, they were waiting on 2 friends that somehow they were separated from by staying in separate hotels. Wonder if they ever met up? They had been there a while and this was a rather obscure meeting place.
Eventually, I made Sioux Falls and found a McDonald's to have a bite to eat and see if the wireless would work. It did, and I checked 2 ferry locations to cross Lake Michigan and chose the one from Manitowoc WI as it was less expensive, though slower and less frequent sailings. I wrote down the reservations telephone number and nearly booked a spot when I realized it was 12 hours ride away at least and I had no idea what the day would bring. Good thing I didn’t... I never even made it close to Wisconsin, let alone to the shore of Lake Michigan. My plans to get home Monday are out the window.... the wind is up and the route I am following is longer than the Interstate, plus slower. I am taking frequent stops at many towns of some size to rest my hand from numb cramps and hide from the winds. Home feels further away than ever.
It’s strange somewhat that the towns seem to have no winds, then you leave town and it blows like a storm is coming. It wasn’t particularly gusty, but less than steady. That changed quickly. Finally, about 3 PM I realized that the winds were not going to subside soon, they were trying to twist my head in the occasional strong gusts (my helmet would be twisted to one side in stronger gusts taking my eyes off the road momentarily). Thoughts of the movie The Exorcist meandered though my minds as I fought to keep the bike centered in the lane and my head in the same direction. The wind makes the joints of my modular helmet whistle loudly in my ears. Evil wind.
I did pass though a section of Iowa between Sioux Falls SD and my stop for the night in Minnesota. I can add Iowa to my map of states I have ridden in.
I made a rest stop in one town in a promising saloon, hopefully to sip a cold beer, maybe watch some big screen TV and relax a little, but the place was nearly empty, had a Mexican Theme and was playing loud Mexican Cantina type music, loud enough that watching the large screen TV was useless. The music drove me out to the street after about 40 minutes and 1 draft beer.
After fighting the cross winds until 3PM, I began to think how to spend time until they settled down a little, considered a hotel for a few hours, but then decided I was tired enough to call it a night. The towns were about 40 minutes apart, and each minute seemed a long time.... so I checked into a chain motel and relaxed with some TV, checked emails, and then bought some snacks at a nearby gas station for the evening. I fell asleep at about 6:30 PM, woke at 10:30 and realized dinner was being missed, the snacks would be it. I made a Skype call to daughter Lisa hoping to speak to my wife who was now in Whistler BC for the week. Lisa was working, but gave me a direct number to my wife’s condo hotel room, that went unanswered. At least I got to speak to Lisa while she was working at her new job as a bartender. Sounds like she is enjoying it and she said she made $120 in tips last night – a Friday evening that she said wasn’t overly busy. That is good news to me, she needs better cash flow and that kind of income is welcome.
After I woke at 10:30, I went outside to check the wind.... barely nothing here in town. It was calm. Maybe if I get up while still dark, and get an early start, I can ride into an area on calm before the winds start... Wisconsin as I remember is much like home, no open corn fields or prairie, (that I am now sick of looking at and living with the winds). BTW, the winds, no matter what direction I ride, affect this bike, from the rear, side or front, though some are worse than others. The rear tire squirms under the bike at times – similar sensation to a soft or flat tire.
I checked the home email online, and found a note from Sean, Ingrid and Kate, the family from Scotland riding their bikes to South America, and I bought the hotel room for in Eagle Plains on the way back from Inuvik.
I attach a copy of the email Ingrid sent... seems I am now on their email list for the trip. I look forward to more of their emails.
Hope you got back safely and the rest of your trip was enjoyable. We are finally in Whitehorse, our first emailing opportunity. Have tried to call you a couple of times to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the hotel room!. It was the nicest surprise ever and so kind of you. We went in there hot and sweaty all prepared to put up our tents in the bugs and the heat and could not have been more delighted. I had three baths! It was so good to be able to pack our next week’s food and laundry in a comfortable, dust free environment. I am doing a diary (well Kate is actually) so will put you on my contact list. If you ever want to tour Scotland send us an email and we can give you a place to stay and show you round
very best wishes
Ingrid, Sean and KateI am pleased they contacted me by email. Maureen said they left a voice message on the phone at home, but this will mean I have to ability to contact them now too. I will send them the photo I took of them on the Dempster hwy... and maybe one of me and my bike.
Hopefully with an early start in the morning, I will leave these flat lands winds behind... make the ferry and get home sooner than later. This trip is now running overtime, and my 2 hotel rooms in a row means I am tired of the camping and fighting the elements.
No photos today. Nothing interesting, no desire to record the miserable winds and boring terrain.