I realized the ferry from Horseshoe Bay was further away in time than I thought when packing, and hustle will be needed to catch the last morning ferry at 10:40. The next ferry wasn’t until almost 1 PM, and that would make a late arrival at Wayne and Mary Jane’s home in Campbell River. The Sea to Sky had lots of construction road work and was a single lane in a few places, lucky the delays were minimal and I made the ferry ticketing with 20 minutes before sailing time. The ferry ride was uneventful, indeed I made a call to Maureen and then snoozed for most of the crossing.
In Departure Bay I found gas, and the hwy north where at Parksville I changed to the coastal road alternate. Nice road, plenty of scenery of the coast and lots of small villages past through. In Courtney, I spotted a motorsports shop, stopped and bought chain lube and continued on to Campbell River. Met a couple from Calgary there who told me about route 28 to Gold River. Supposed to be one of the better rides in North America. There I stopped to check out an exhibit of woodcarvings, indeed from a recent competition, and then the GPS directed me to the Kerr’s home.
I was warmly greeted, invited in for some beers, and then Wayne assisted me to change my oil using the oil he had bought for me earlier today. I lubed the chain (bought a new spray can earlier at the bike shop) and we went in for a nice dinner prepared by Mary Jane. After dinner, the 3 of us toured the town, docks and a condo of friends, checked out a park and the different parts of town. Some TV and chat, and I am ready for bed.
Tomorrow, I will check out this road 28 I heard was twisty and 87 kms long to a town called Gold River. Should take some time out of the day before I head south and turn towards Tofino. See how the day goes, may not travel the full 87 kms, but a long sample of the road may be enough.
Weather looks good for the rest of the week. I have been very lucky with the weather since about Toad River, 17 days ago. (day 7 was the last heavy rain I have encountered)
On the Ferry to Vancouver Island
Fanny Bay docks
My arrival at Wayne and Mary Janes home
Chainsaw wood carvings
There was a annual competition just past. These were some of the results
Our evening tour of Campbell River
Wayne and Mary Jane. Thank you!
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