First, I made a stop at a barber shop owned by Tannis or better known as Flo or BarberFlo as she is known on the Delphi Forms. She has 2 different forums she hosts (that I know of) Vancouver Island Lady Riders and also Vancouver Island riders. Flo is a expert rider, trained by Jerry “Motorman” Palladino of Ride Like a Pro Fame, (Flo is very good friends with both Jerry and Donna) and she has the Vancouver Island (or maybe western Canada) franchise for his products consisting of DVD’s and Tee shirts, hats, etc. It was a slow day in her shop so far and my intentions to ride to Gold River tempted her to close shop and ride with me. But she decided not but asked me to drop back in when I returned before I headed to Tofino. I said I would be back in 3 hours. Check out Flo’s Blog at
It was mentioned in my latest copy of Road Runner magazine that this Gold River ride was pretty nice, also was recommended by that couple from Calgary. The road was very nice, twisty and still fast. It was 87 kms long from Campbell River and scenic in spots. Took several photos along the way and finally arrived after 1:20 of riding. Gold River is a great fishing port. I stopped at the visitors centre and asked about the origins of the town... where was the Gold? There wasn’t any, never was. The Spaniards arrived and thought there should be, but evidently they never found any either. The name was taken for a Spanish name for river of gold.
I gassed up and spent a few minutes checking the town when the motorcyclist couple from Calgary arrived – in rain gear. I guess it started to rain as they left Campbell River, so they geared up. I wondered if it would be raining when I go back. With about 1.5 hours to return back to Flo's Barber shop, I set off and rode straight through - staying dry. I found the shop and Flo was still there getting her nails done by a young lady who offers a service from her home or to your place. I chatted for a while, Flo had a customer and I went outside to check things out – went to my bike and adjusted the helmet on the handlebars and it fell on the ground – breaking the ratchet mechanism the holds the visor. The visor is now useless until I get a replacement part. My efforts to locate a area bike shop with the part proved fruitless, they all could order the part out of Calgary, but I was SOL it seems to get one immediately. Figures, rather obscure part. I have removed the visor.
Flo said she would close her shop and ride with me south for a time towards Tofino direction. Flo made a few calls to friends to see if anyone was interested to ride with us or meet with us. She thought the idea of me stopping and meeting her was cool, and I enjoyed the chance to meet her too. About 3 PM she closed, we rode to her home to gather her cel phone and other items (checked out her other Harley in the Ride Like a Pro motif she purchased from Jerry Palladino) and headed south on the coastal road and a variation of country roads to Courtney. In Courtney she gassed up her Road King, gave me a demonstration of her Ride Like a Pro riding skills in the parking lot and made more calls, most to voice mail. Seems hooking up with some of her friends wasn’t going to work out. Flo said she would ride with me to Coombs (a good way south and on the hwy to Tofino), and with her leading and her Helmet Hair blowing in the wind... we set off again. We stuck to the shore road mostly, but the traffic was slow, the time was passing and we headed for the Inland Hwy, faster route that is 4 lanes and inland of the older original route we had been on. Made good time down to Coombs. We chatted again for a few minutes, took photos, exchanged hugs, I shot some video of her doing a demo of the ride skills for me and she waved goodbye. Later tonight, I saw she had posted our photos and the story of our meeting on her forums. Flo’s day was tempered by the news her boyfriend’s father died.... on her boyfriend’s birthday.
After our parting in Coombs, I headed west along hwy 4 towards Port Albino and Tofino. Soon enough I entered the Cathedral Groves, a protected area of old trees, set aside by MacMillan (the man behind the forestry giant) and BC government. These trees tower high, some 300 feet. It makes an interesting stop and photo opportunity, though getting a whole tree into a shot is nearly impossible. Some of the trunks are impressive dimensions in diameter and there is lots of information about the grove to read about as you take a walk through the paths of the grove.
Again I headed west and found gas in Port Albino. Hung out for an few minutes and then headed west for Tofino. The sign says 111 kms... good.. about and hour and half. Wrong! The road starts nice and fast with 80 kms zone and passing lanes periodically. These give way to tighter turns, 50-40 and 30 Km zones and steep grades in sections (18% in one spot) RV and cars line up, nobody passes and really can anyway. The road skirts a lake... but with a sheer drop of a few hundred feet with a rock face on the opposite side, blind curves for sure. The temperature dropped and I stopped to add my fleece and warmer gloves. Still a ways to go and getting late. I begin to feel that camping in this cold is not an option, plus finding food, camp and cold night wasn’t thrilling set of objectives, plus seeing the town and taking photos too. I finally rolled into Tofino after passing many signs along the way for places to stay and campground down roads that looked long.
In Tofino, I found a vantage point to take pictures of the Claquate Sound and harbour, rode around looking at the busy restaurants and no vacancy signs and realized that if I found a room, it would be expensive (for my budget). Drove past one place that appeared to have rooms starting at $95 but did not look very nice. On up the road there was another that had 4 rooms and slow desk service.... the rooms were $145 + tax.... more than my budget – keep looking. Finally decided to check out the $95 place... took the room – cash only – That should have set off alarms. I didn’t check the room.. I headed back to town for dinner before the grills closed. The first place I saw looked busy, noisy and open late, also swanky. I stopped there for dinner, and they also had free WiFi (my room did not). Ordered a expensive Lingcod burger with yam fries and a cold beer... and used the internet to catch up on emails and news, etc while I ate at the bar.
Headed to the room, dragged my stuff to the second floor room and was dismayed the room was not clean, decor looked 50’s, bare bulbs, bed top sheet made over messed up blankets and sheets, the toilet paper was empty and no replacement, the garbage can half full, towels, wasn’t sure if they were used or not – some on the floor, some hanging like someone disturbed them. I wanted to leave, except it was paid cash, the office was closed; the possibility of finding something else was poor. I pulled my own pillow out, and watched the 19” TV (no remote but lots of channels), and finally went to sleep watching the weather channel. Looks like the rest of the country east is having bad weather, but not for the west. My weather luck is holding. I woke once to shut off the TV and woke again at 7:30 – rested but disgusted at the room condition.
Packing up at Wayne and Mary Jane's home
outside Flo's Barbershop
Bridge over Gold River
village of Gold River
go with the Flo
'Ride Like a Pro'
This lady is a pro at slow speed manuovers, circles and U-turns
Flo is trained by Jerry 'Motorman' Palladino to Ride Like a Pro and teach others too. Flo and Jerry and his wife Donna are good friends.
Cathedral Grove - grove of old tall cedar trees protected
Tofino BC - end of the Trans Canada
Worst Motel in Tofino
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